Facts about bricks

Thermal comfort

Human thermal comfort is the state of mind that expresses satisfaction with the surrounding environment and was first explored by Ole Fanger in the 1970s. Fanger’s studies of thermal comfort found that not everyone will be satisfied by a particular set of environmental conditions, but in ranges of conditions about 80% express satisfaction.

Sound insulation

Whether between rooms within a home or from noise outside, brick provides superior sound insulation.


Brick is permanent. Once it’s built it remains weatherproof and age proof. Brick doesn’t get tired like man-made materials, so it requires virtually no upkeep or repairs, giving you both a sound mind and a sound home. Bricks don’t rust or erode, rot or decay, bend, twist or warp.


Bricks have thrived over thousands of years because of their longevity, durability and a number of factors that contribute to their inherent sustainability.

Energy efficiency

If you’re about to build a home, you have a lot of things to think about. And none more important than the material you build your home from, at which point we urge you to Think Brick. Brick insulates in a way most materials do not. It keeps you warm in winter and cool in summer, saving on energy bills and making your home a more comfortable place to be.


Bricks are non-combustible and don’t assist the spread of fire, making them ideal for building in bushfire-prone areas. Clay bricks normally do not suffer any structural damage after a fire and can be re-used even as load bearing walls.

Structural capability

Brick has long been a popular choice with architects and building designers because it blends easily with existing buildings while offering endless sculptural capabilities as well as intricate detailing.

Life-cycle performance

Life cycle analysis is not just about the energy used to create a material (embodied energy), but also the energy used once the house is built (energy efficiency). Thanks to brick’s thermal mass, a brick house performs across all areas of a life cycle analysis: durable and long lasting, energy efficient, and low maintenance.